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Mann Lawyers LLP Privacy Policy

Privacy and Terms of Use

Click here to read our policy regarding how we collect, manage, and keep your personal information confidential.

Use of Website and Privacy Policy

Please read the following carefully.  By using (this “Website”), you signify that you accept to be bound by these terms of use and understand our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these terms of use, you must not use this Website. Mann Lawyers LLP (“we”, “our”) may revise these terms of use at any time without notice. Use of this Website after such changes are posted will indicate your acceptance of the revised terms of use. You should visit this page periodically to review the then-current terms of use.

Mann Lawyers LLP collects, uses, and discloses your personal information in accordance with the firm’s Privacy Policy. Each time you use this Website, you are indicating that you consent to the firm’s collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, as it then reads, without any further notice.

No Lawyer-Client Relationship

Neither your use of this Website nor your communication with Mann Lawyers LLP by e-mail or through this Website creates a lawyer-client, advisory, or fiduciary relationship between you and Mann Lawyers LLP or any of its professionals.  Please do not send any confidential information to us until you retain our services and a lawyer-client relationship has been established.

No Professional Advice

This Website is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as giving legal advice. You should seek appropriate, qualified legal advice before acting or omitting to act based upon any information provided on or though this Website. We invite you to contact us and we welcome your calls, letters, and electronic mail. Please be aware that e-mail is not a secure means of transmitting information, and any information forwarded to any e-mail address at this Website is at your own risk.

Disclaimer and Liability Exclusion

While we endeavor to provide accurate, current, and timely information, Mann Lawyers LLP makes no representations, warranties, or covenants of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, regarding this Website, including, without limitation, no representation, warranty or covenant: (a) that is implied; (b) that the Website and its contents will be accurate, complete, current, reliable, timely, or suitable for any particular purpose; (c) as to non-infringement of the rights of third parties; (d) that this Website will be free from material defects or that defects or errors, whether human or computer errors, in this Website will be corrected; (e) that this Website will be free from viruses or harmful components that may damage or infect your computer, mobile device, or other property; and (f) that communications through this Website will be secure and/or not intercepted; all of which are hereby disclaimed by Mann Lawyers LLP.

In no event shall Mann Lawyers LLP be liable for your use of this Website. Use of this Website is at your own risk.  We are not responsible or liable to you or any person or entity whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive, special, or otherwise), injury, death, lost business, claim, liability, or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from any content, information, or opinions provided on this Website or from the use thereof. This limitation of liability will apply even if we knew of or ought to have known of the possibility of such damages.

Mann Lawyers LLP disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions, and conduct of any third-party user of this Website, or any advertiser, or sponsor of this Website (collectively, “third party”). Under no circumstances will we be responsible or liable to you or any person or entity whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive, special, or otherwise), injury, death, lost business, claim, liability, or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever arising in any manner whatsoever from the acts, omissions, or conduct of any third party, regardless of the cause. This limitation of liability will apply even if we knew of or ought to have known of the possibility of such damages.

Unauthorized Use Prohibited

This Website and its content are the property of Mann Lawyers LLP and are protected from unauthorized copying and dissemination by copyright law, trademark law, and other intellectual property laws. Any use of the trade names, trademarks, or logos displayed on this Website, is strictly prohibited. You may use this Website and print or download Website pages for your lawful, personal, non-commercial use only.

You may not do any of the following: (a) restrict or hinder another user from using and enjoying this Website, interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper workings of this Website, probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of this Website or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures; (b) use this Website for commercial purposes; (c) impersonate any person; or (d)  without the express prior written consent of Mann Lawyers LLP, except to the extent permitted under these terms of use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, upload, download, publish, or distribute in any way this Website or its source code in whole or in part; sell, rent, lease, licenses, transfer, or otherwise provide access to the source code of this Website; alter, remove, or cover any trademarks or proprietary notices; and/or decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, or reverse engineer this Website’s source code or assist others in doing so.

Other Sites

For your convenience, this Website may include links to other Internet sites or resources and businesses operated by other persons. The links from this Website are for informational purposes only, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any of the information contained on other websites linked to this Website. The linked websites are not under the control of Mann Lawyers LLP and Mann Lawyers LLP is not responsible for the content of any linked website or any link contained in a linked website. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Mann Lawyers LLP of the linked website.