Mann Lawyers approaches every single case differently, which allows us to focus on facts and details that could otherwise go overlooked and change your outcome. We are a law firm that specializes in personalized, well-informed family law services custom-tailored to your needs. Our lawyers are committed to guiding family members to creative solutions by providing practical and individual legal advice. We can assist you in and out of court with ease.
We strive to be quick and concise without skipping elements that could help you achieve a favourable outcome. Our goal is to satisfy clients with fact-focused, thoughtful legal counsel that is based on their situation specifically. We also know how such processes can be emotionally taxing, which is why we incorporate a friendly and understanding approach when working with you. We want for you and your family to feel welcome and comfortable when consulting with us.
You can be assured of precise attention paid to even the smallest detail — nothing is insignificant to us when gathering compelling evidence or documentation supporting your side of the story. Our team has not only the depth and profound experience to protect you and your interests in court but also the skills to drive towards an amicable settlement out of court.
We can conduct negotiations with the intent of leading everyone towards an optimal resolution with minimal expense, delay, and acrimony. We offer arbitration and mediation services and lawyers who practice Collaborative Family Law.
We also have experience in fertility and surrogacy law and can assist parents and surrogates by drafting and providing independent legal advice on surrogacy agreements.
We can connect you to support that will make this time easier. We have a number of professionals with whom we have built a trust relationship, that we know deliver the kind of dignified service and attention to detail that we ourselves expect. We assess each client individually, and provide them with choices and options customized to them.
As stated, we can access and connect you with a range of locally-provided services in support of your individual needs.
Whether it’s counselling, focused health care, real estate advice and guidance, financial assistance, or other help that you require, we can connect you to our trusted colleagues in the field.