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NRC Class Action

Class Action against the National Research Council of Canada

MANN LAWYERS LLP has issued a Class Action lawsuit on behalf of persons who own properties in the Township of Mississippi Mills near the National Fire Laboratory facility owned by the National Research Council of Canada (“NRC”). Those properties which are included in the defined area that is subject to the claim are described below.

The claim seeks compensation for damages allegedly suffered by these property owners as a result of the contamination or possible contamination of their lands and groundwater, including general damages for any loss in value of their property which may be sustained by them.

See below under Related Documents to review a copy of the Amended Amended Statement of Claim that was filed on August 18, 2016.

The lawsuit was certified as a Class Action by Order of Justice Robert Smith on July 7, 2021, See below under Related Documents to review a copy of the Certification Order,

Anyone who meets the following requirements qualifies as a member of the class proceeding:

All persons owning real property at or after December 23, 2015 in the area within the Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario, more particularly described as the 69 properties within the boundary demarcated by the orange in the drawing found here, excluding the National Research Council of Canada and the Crown (the “Class Area”).

The Class was also defined by the Court to include a subclass (Subclass A), being members of the above defined Class where PFAS compounds have never been detected in their drinking water, or only detected at levels below Health Canada’s screening values.

Justice Smith certified six common issues relating to the liability of the NRC for the contamination.
Class members will be receiving a copy of the Notice of Contamination either by hand delivery or by regular mail. A copy of the Court-approved Notice of Certification can be found below under Related Documents.

If Class Members do not wish to be part of the lawsuit, they must opt out of the lawsuit.

Completed Opt Out Election Forms must be received by Mann Lawyers LLP no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 9, 2022.

For more information
If you would like to learn more about this class action, you can contact us by email at or by calling Michael Hebert or Nathan Adams at 613-722-1500.

Related Documents
Amended Amended Statement of Claim
Certification Order
Notice of Certification