The period of time following a death can be overwhelming. At the same time as you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you may also be faced with the task of administering the estate. Being appointed as an Estate Trustee is often thought of as being an honour but the administration of an estate can be onerous and time consuming. Whether you are dealing with a large estate or a small one, questions often arise that require legal advice. The affairs of the deceased may not be in order, there may be disputes between beneficiaries, there may be complex tax issues or there may be not be sufficient funds in the estate to deal with debts. We are here to guide you through the administration process, advise you about your duties, and identify potential issues and develop solutions.
If you are the beneficiary of an estate and you have questions about your rights and entitlements or if you have been left out of the estate of a loved one, we can provide you with advice about your circumstances. A lawyer from our estate litigation team will help you determine if a claim should be made and advise you throughout the litigation process.