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Estate Administration

Probate Applications

The “Probate” process, which is now called an “Application for a Certificate of Appointment of the Estate Trustee with [or without] a Will” in Ontario, is the Court procedure for the formal approval of the Will by the Court as the valid last Will of the deceased. It is also the confirmation of appointment of the person who will act as the Estate Trustee (formerly referred to as an executor) of the estate. This process gives the Estate Trustee the authority to act on behalf of the deceased.

The question of whether to file an Application for Certificate of Appointment is mostly dependent on the type of assets the deceased owned at the time of passing. If the deceased owned real property solely in their own name, or as a tenant-in-common, the Estate Trustee may have to submit an Application in order to transfer or sell the property. The necessity or requirement for an Estate Trustee to obtain a Certificate of Appointment for financial assets is governed by the financial institution and/or company which hold the assets.

If the deceased had assets, such as TFSAs and/or RRSPs/RIFs which name the estate as beneficiary or failed to designate a named beneficiary and bank accounts and/or investments registered solely in his/her name , the Estate Trustee may have to submit an Application, depending on the value of such assets. The financial institution and/or company which hold the assets may, at its discretion, waive a requirement for a Certificate of Appointment. However, if the deceased had a significant amount of money in their estate, the financial institution/company will likely require probate to allow the Estate Trustee to access the deceased’s funds.

There are other, less common, reasons why an Estate Trustee may need to go through the probate process. For example, the Estate Trustee might have to finish litigating a lawsuit on behalf of the deceased or there could be a dependant who wants to make a claim against the estate.

It is a good idea to get assistance from an experienced wills and estates lawyer to assist with the preparation of the Court documents for an Application and to provide the Estate Trustee with advice regarding the duties and responsibilities of an Estate Trustee in the administration of the estate. We have extensive experience with probate applications and can provide advice about whether probate is required at all and how to deal with primary and secondary estates.

If you are an Estate Trustee, we would be happy to assist you with the application process and to provide you with advice during the administration of the estate.

Connect with our Team

Offices in Ottawa and Perth     (613) 722-1500

Related Service Areas

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