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Events at Mann Lawyers

Starting a Business: A Bird’s Eye View of the Legal Landscape

Event Description

Join Neil Schwartz to get a bird’s eye view of the legal landscape when it comes to starting a business. We will explore different forms of business organizations.

Sole Proprietorships

  • what does it means to be a sole proprietor? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this structure of business?


  • how and when can a partnership arise? What are some advantages and disadvantages flowing from this particular structure?


  • much of the presentation will focus on the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of a corporation (i.e. ownership, continuity, limited liability, tax planning, employee stock options etc.).
  • how does input at the start-up stage impact the division of equity amongst key stakeholders and directly corresponding, the importance of a shareholders’ agreement while the parties are in good spirits


January 21, 2025

 @ 2:00 pm

 - 3:30 pm

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Professional Event

Starting a Business: A Bird's Eye View of the Legal Landscape


January 21, 2025


2:00 pm

- 3:30 pm