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Bridge Financing

In today’s real estate market house sales are continuing to move at a rapid pace. Both Buyers and Sellers are feeling the pressure in the ever-demanding market. If you’re thinking about either buying or selling, here are some things you may wish to do that might help lift some of that pressure.  Assembling your team […]

What is Estate Planning?

Generally when you hear the words Estate Planning, we think of a Will and Powers of Attorney. We also tend to think of this as a task for those individuals in their mid to late years of life, who have a vast array of assets. However, estate planning is not reserved for just those individuals […]

The Importance of Conditions Within an Agreement of Purchase and Sale

Even in light of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, springtime in Ottawa brings rising temperatures and with those rising temperatures the real estate market really heats up.  In today’s market, properties are coming onto the market and buyers are so eager to purchase that they do not protect themselves with proper conditions in the Agreement of […]

COVID-19 and Your Upcoming Real Estate Transaction

In light of the developing COVID-19 pandemic Mann Lawyers LLP remains open and available to assist our clients through this difficult time. We are committed to doing our part in promoting “social distancing’ to try and slow the spread of COVID-19 and we have implemented a number of measures in our office to protect our […]

Capacity and Estate Planning

It’s no secret that Canada has an aging population. The Government of Canada reported that in 2014, over 6 million Canadians were aged 65 or older, representing 15.6 percent of Canada’s population. By 2030 seniors will number over 9.5 million and make up 23 percent of Canada’s population. Additionally, by 2036, the average life expectancy […]

Update on Digital Assets

Digital assets are becoming increasingly important to Canadians, yet they are rarely addressed in wills. The digital nature of assets does not alter the fact that they are, indeed, assets. They form part of your estate on death, and it is important to leave clear instructions to your estate trustees about what should happen to […]

Thinking About “Just Adding a Name” to Your Title? Think Again.

In today’s real estate market it is becoming more common for relatives to add their names onto the title of a house to help the real owner — typically a child or parent — qualify for a mortgage. Many others look to add a relative to avoid estate administration taxes when the owner dies. What […]

Estate Planning for Your Pets In Ontario

As of 2018, 41% of Canadian households have at least one dog and 35% of Canadian households have at least one cat.  And if you are one of those households, chances are you consider your animal companion a part of the family. Yet it is not uncommon that many pet owners fail to account for […]