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Adulting 101 – Get Powers of Attorney

Did you just recently buy a house? Have you just recently had or adopted any children? Better yet, are you alive and over the age of 18? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s a really good idea to prepare Powers of Attorney. What are Powers of Attorney? There are two main […]

Repercussions of a Franchisor’s Failure to Disclose

When a prospective franchisee and a franchisor enter into a franchise agreement, the Arthur Wishart Act (The Act) requires the franchisor to disclose all material facts about the business, financial information about the franchisor, costs to establish the franchise, the franchise agreement, and any other ancillary agreements. The purpose of this requirement is to allow […]

Annual General Meetings for Federally Incorporated Not-for-Profit Corporations

As Jade Renault pointed out in an earlier blog post, under normal circumstances a not-for-profit Corporation (NPC) incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (the “Act”) is required to call its annual general meeting within specific time periods. For a NPC that has already held its initial annual general meeting, it is required to call […]

Bee Law?

The past few months have been stressful. Let’s take a short reprieve to learn about something that most of us, save and except a select few, likely never even knew existed. I like to call it Bee Law because, frankly, Bee Law sounds fun. When I talk about Bee Law ,I am referring to the […]

COVID-19 and Commercial Agreements – Force Majeure and Frustration

With the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, and the resulting economic uncertainty including the recent temporary closure of non-essential businesses in Ontario, many businesses are wondering what the impact will be on commercial contracts, pending business transactions, commercial leases, and other similar agreements. Could COVID-19 allow a party to cancel a contract, or […]

Electronic Signatures and Electronic Documents

COVID-19 has resulted in some drastic changes to nearly every aspect of our lives. Social interactions have been drastically limited, and many people are for the time being working from home. But the work continues! One way businesses may opt to adapt their practices is by accepting electronic copies of original (hand) signed documents and/or […]

Understanding the Roles of a Director of a Not-For-Profit Corporation

Do you sit as a director of a not-for-profit corporation? If you do or if this is something you are considering, you should be aware that, just like a director of a for-profit corporation, a director of a not-for-profit is subject to duties and obligations imposed by law. In an earlier blog post, we spoke […]

Donating to Charity as Part of Your Estate Plan

At a fundamental level, donating to charity feels good. It allows you to support causes important to you and can have a lasting impact on the lives of many people. Another benefit is that there are generous tax incentives available to those who donate to charity. If you are considering a charitable donation as part […]

Can You Be in a Franchise Relationship Without Knowing It?

The Arthur Wishart Act imposes extensive disclosure obligations on franchisors in order to allow prospective franchisees to make an informed decision as to whether to purchase the franchise. Where a franchisor fails to comply with these disclosure obligations, a franchisee may be entitled to rescind the franchise agreement and make a claim arising out of […]