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4 Weddings, 3 Divorces, 2 Newlyweds, and 1 Honeymoon

A honeymoon is something all newlyweds look forward to. Some, look forward to it too much. A couple in Taiwan set out to make their honeymoon a memorable one by attempting to take as much paid time off as possible. In Taiwan, couples who get married receive eight days of paid leave from work. This […]

Learning to Communicate With the Other Parent in High Conflict Situations

Co-Parenting brings its various challenges, but the one that parents talk about facing most is hostile communication from the other parent. Even on a good day, communicating can be tricky, but dealing with a parent who has a combative, high conflict personality can make this seem impossible. For most parents in these types of situations, […]

Prison Time for Not Paying Child Support

A recent Nova Scotia case is making headlines as a man owing a minimum of $250,000 in court-ordered child support has been sentenced to prison for four and a half years. Mr. Power, an IT professional who earned an estimated $260,000 per year, paid minimal child support for his two children. From 2007 until 2015, […]

New Cases, New Motion to Change Forms

As families and legal professionals alike adapt to a new, predominantly virtual court system, a new set of court forms are also making their debut for the common family law process: the Motion to Change and Response to Motion to Change. Effective September 1, 2020, parties wanting to change a final order or an agreement […]

Back to School with COVID-19

Back to School with COVID-19 On Thursday, July 30th, Premier Doug Ford and the Education Minister released a plan for back-to-school for the fall. Elementary school children will return to school five days per week for a full day. Secondary school students at designated boards, including Ottawa-Carleton and Ottawa Catholic, will attend class on alternate […]

Shrinking Values: COVID-19 and its Potential Impact on Property Division

With COVID-19, many people have seen the value of their assets drop. An investment that was climbing with the market has now plummeted. The value of businesses have decreased with the ongoing closures. How long it will take for these to bounce back is anyone’s guess. In a separation, the value of one’s assets and […]

Wedding Bells: Can They Ring During COVID-19?

Wedding season is upon us, but it’s looking quite different this year. Weddings take a lot of advanced planning and coordinating with venues, vendors, and guests. With COVID-19, couples now either have to make the difficult decision of postponing their plans, or concocting a creative alternative plan. Yes, there are Alternatives… Alternatives, the news has […]

COVID-19 and Support Order Enforcement through FRO (Updated May 8, 2020)

Is FRO still open? Yes. As of March 23, 2020, the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) announced that they would be reducing staff levels as a result of COVID-19. They continue to take client calls as per their regular hours and continue to have agents available to assist. Clients can, however, expect longer wait times and […]

The New Ontario CARE Credit

Ontario is rolling out a tax credit that families can use with respect to childcare costs. The Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) credit is a new refundable tax credit for Ontarians to help with specific expenses that can be quite the financial burden to many families. Here’s what you need to know: What […]