A serious traumatic brain injury caused by a motor vehicle accident or a slip and fall can be a devastating condition that affects not only the person with the injury, but also their entire family. Even a mild traumatic brain injury can result in significant long-term impairments. From proper diagnosis through treatment and rehabilitation, individuals living with brain trauma face many challenges. Families must equally adjust to a new reality, providing support to an individual who may be walking a new path for the remainder of his or her life. The lawyers at Ottawa’s Mann Lawyers assist those with brain injuries and their families: advocating for their right to proper medical and financial support.
On the way to recovery
It takes approximately two years for someone with a serious traumatic brain injury to reach maximum medical recovery. During that time, and perhaps for some time afterwards, that person’s life is put on hold as he or she devotes his or her time and energy to rehabilitation. Living independently is the ultimate goal; even for those who have suffered the most serious brain injuries. In-depth planning is often necessary before the person is discharged from the hospital or other care facility, either back to the family home or to a supportive living environment.
For many families, timely access to insurance coverage — specifically no-fault benefits in the case of motor vehicle accidents — is crucial. Without this financial support, families often struggle to fund necessary rehabilitation therapies and supportive devices. The time families devote to caring for an individual living with brain trauma often means fewer work hours and this can reduce the amount of money coming into the household. Reduced family income is a common problem after a serious brain injury even if the person with the injury was not the primary income earner.
The lawyers at Mann Lawyers are sensitive to the impact of a traumatic brain injury on the life of the individual and the well-being of the family. We are here to provide valuable information, advocacy and assistance to those in need of support.