Guardianship is the authority to make decisions regarding property and finances or personal care on behalf of an incapacitated adult. Guardianship applications are lengthy, detailed and require having a plan in place to care for the assets of the incapable person and the management of the person.
We offer advice and guidance to clients in the often emotionally difficult process of applying for guardianship and assist in gathering supporting documents and with the accurate completion of a guardianship application. As a law firm of advocates, we are committed to helping you achieve an outcome that is in the best interests of your incapacitated loved one.
Guardianship is often sought in cases when the adult incapacitated person did not have a power of attorney for property. A close relative, such as a child, spouse or sibling, may apply to the court to manage the person’s finances. The management plan for the assets and debts of the incapacitated person must be in the best interest of that person.
Our lawyers can help you complete the full application, with the advice of financial experts if necessary. This may include a specific plan for each asset, including the individual’s home, car, jewelry and other personal items. Throughout the process of applying for guardianship, we stand with you as you take necessary steps for the protection and well-being of your loved one.